Two years ago Arino challenged Rockman 2, and though he got incredibly far, he just couldn’t quite get to that ending screen. But now he faces the original Rockman, arguably the toughest of the 8-bit originals.
7 - 1It's Season 7, so "Ultra Seven" (#45) May 02, 2007
7 - 2Start From the Beginning! "Mega Man" (#46) May 16, 2007
7 - 3The Shiritori King's Real Power!? "Wagan Land" (#47) May 30, 2007
7 - 4The Mysterious Western Game: "Another World" (#48) June 13, 2007
7 - 5Go For It! "The Legend of the Mystical Ninja" (#49) June 27, 2007
7 - 6Gaming in Korea, Traveling by Economy Class (#50) July 11, 2007
7 - 7
7 - 8The Great Kaicho's Great Battle!! "Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts" (#52) August 22, 2007
7 - 9The First Horror Game Challenge! "Clock Tower" (#53) September 05, 2007
7 - 10Aim For the Top! "The Quest of Ki" (#54) (Part 1) September 19, 2007