When four pizza pros bring their considerable talent and competitive drive to the Chopped kitchen, the judges are in for a pizza party to remember. A piece of pork that takes up much of the first basket has the competitors getting their hands dirty from the start. A regional dough and a convenience store staple are part of the pizza puzzle in the entree round. And do the final two pizza pros really have to use olives on their dessert pizzas? You bet they do!
39 - 1Lamb Slam July 03, 2018
39 - 2Breakfast Battle December 18, 2018
39 - 3Wellington Woes September 18, 2018
39 - 4Pizza Poetry March 19, 2019
39 - 5Viewers Rule April 23, 2019
39 - 6Eat Your Veggies! May 14, 2019
39 - 7You've Got Snail! April 09, 2019
39 - 8Dollar Dishes March 26, 2019
39 - 9Pasta Possibilities April 02, 2019
39 - 10Squab Goals April 16, 2019
39 - 11Think Small! June 26, 2018
39 - 12Belly of the Beast April 30, 2019
39 - 13Brunch Brilliance May 07, 2019