Tom Silva shows us his reroofing progress - stripping of old shingles, plywooding sheathing, new shingles, redge vent. Down at ground level, the old clapboards have been stripped off the front facade, revealing the reason for the bellying out of the lower left side. Associated interior demolition reveals wide feathered paneling behind the living room's plaster. The structural deficiency is solved by rebuilding part of the wall. In search of ideas for exterior paint colors, we visit historic Deerfield, Massachusetts, a town of remarkably preserved 18th and 19th century homes. Back at the site, landscape contractor Roger Cook installs a gravel path using steel edging and rice stone.
16 - 1The Acton House - 1 January 01, 1994
16 - 2The Acton House - 2 January 15, 1994
16 - 3The Acton House - 3 January 28, 1994
16 - 4The Acton House - 4 February 01, 1994
16 - 5The Acton House - 5 February 15, 1994
16 - 6The Acton House - 6 February 28, 1994
16 - 7The Acton House - 7 March 01, 1994
16 - 8The Acton House - 8 March 15, 1994
16 - 9The Acton House - 9 March 28, 1994
16 - 10The Acton House - 10 April 01, 1994
16 - 11The Acton House - 11 April 15, 1994
16 - 12The Acton House - 12 April 28, 1994
16 - 13The Acton House - 13 May 01, 1994
16 - 14The Acton House - 14 May 15, 1994
16 - 15The Acton House - 15 May 28, 1994
16 - 16The Acton House - 16 June 01, 1994
16 - 17The Acton House - 17 June 15, 1994
16 - 18The Acton House - 18 June 28, 1994
16 - 19The Napa Valley House - 1 February 01, 1995
16 - 20The Napa Valley House - 2 February 08, 1995
16 - 21The Napa Valley House - 3 February 15, 1995
16 - 22The Napa Valley House - 4 February 22, 1995
16 - 23The Napa Valley House - 5 March 01, 1995
16 - 24The Napa Valley House - 6 March 08, 1995
16 - 25The Napa Valley House - 7 March 15, 1995
16 - 26The Napa Valley House - 8 March 22, 1995