A special edition of Tonight reports exclusively on the shock findings of the biggest and most in-depth study into poverty levels in Britain. The Living Standards Survey asks 1,500 people living in Britain today what they deem to be necessities for everyday life. The survey finds that having a warm, damp free home and enough food to feed your family are basic necessities that almost everyone says no-one should go without and many now consider owning a computer with internet access and a mobile phone an essential part of modern life.
15 - 1Is Britain Overcrowded? January 03, 2013
15 - 2Generation Rent January 10, 2013
15 - 3What a Waste January 17, 2013
15 - 4How Much Could You Save? January 31, 2013
15 - 5From the Heart: A Tonight Special February 13, 2013
15 - 6Part-Time Britain February 28, 2013
15 - 7Tonight: Has the NHS Stopped Caring? March 21, 2013
15 - 8Breadline Britain March 28, 2013
15 - 10New Model Army May 09, 2013
15 - 11Living With A Killer May 16, 2013
15 - 12Tornadoes: Deadly Force May 23, 2013
15 - 13Who'd be a Teacher? June 06, 2013
15 - 15America and Its Guns June 13, 2013
15 - 17How safe is your kitchen? July 04, 2013
15 - 18Crisis in A&E July 11, 2013
15 - 19Plan Bee July 18, 2013
15 - 22Coming to the UK July 25, 2013
15 - 23Throwaway Britain August 01, 2013
15 - 24The Great Housing Crisis August 08, 2013
15 - 25Food Facts and Fiction January 01, 1970
15 - 28The Great British Diet January 01, 1970
15 - 29Putting GCSEs To The Test August 22, 2013
15 - 30Kids Without Dads August 29, 2013
15 - 32Fear and Loathing Online September 12, 2013
15 - 33The Truth About Fracking September 19, 2013
15 - 34Accents Speak Louder Than Words September 26, 2013
15 - 35Bargains in the Sun October 03, 2013
15 - 36Courage in the Crossfire October 10, 2013
15 - 37Dying to Get High October 17, 2013
15 - 38When the Drugs Don't Work October 24, 2013
15 - 39Looking for Love October 29, 2013
15 - 40Christmas Shopping Wars November 01, 2013
15 - 44Too Young for Technology November 28, 2013
15 - 45Pop, Sex and Videotape December 05, 2013
15 - 46The Greatest Gift December 12, 2013