Evelyn buys Alan a new Sports car causing Charlie to claim that his brother has sold his soul to the Devil. The next day, Evelyn extracts payment by insisting that Alan go on a blind, double date with her, her new beau and his daughter. At the restaurant, Alan learns that his mother and boyfriend will not be able to join them because there was a mixup between his heart medication and Viagra and she didn't want to ""waste it"". As a result, Alan is left to deal with the daughter, who is on a weekend pass from a rehab center and still has some loose screws. Alan eventually gets her back to the beach house only to have her drive off in his new sports car and become the object of a televised high-speed car chase.
2 - 1Back Off, Mary Poppins September 19, 2004
2 - 2Enjoy Those Garlic Balls September 26, 2004
2 - 3A Bag Full of Jawea October 02, 2004
2 - 4Go Get Mommy's Bra October 10, 2004
2 - 5Bad News from the Clinic? October 17, 2004
2 - 6The Price of Healthy Gums Is Eternal Vigilance October 24, 2004
2 - 7A Kosher Slaughterhouse Out in Fontana November 07, 2004
2 - 8Frankenstein and the Horny Villagers November 14, 2004
2 - 9Yes, Monsignor November 21, 2004
2 - 10The Salmon Under My Sweater November 28, 2004
2 - 11Last Chance to See Those Tattoos December 12, 2004
2 - 12A Lungful of Alan January 02, 2005
2 - 13Zejdz Zmoich Wlosow (Get Off My Hair) January 15, 2005
2 - 14Those Big Pink Things with Coconut January 30, 2005
2 - 15Smell the Umbrella Stand February 06, 2005
2 - 16Can You Eat Human Flesh with Wooden Teeth? February 13, 2005
2 - 17Woo-Hoo, a Hernia Exam! February 20, 2005
2 - 18It Was Mame, Mom March 06, 2005
2 - 19A Low, Guttural Tongue-Flapping Noise March 20, 2005
2 - 20I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey April 17, 2005
2 - 21A Sympathetic Crotch to Cry On April 30, 2005
2 - 22That Old Hose Bag Is My Mother May 08, 2005
2 - 23Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab May 15, 2005
2 - 24Does This Smell Funny to You? May 22, 2005