The teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Al-Sadiq area water towers and receive a clue instructing them to fly to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, over 4,600 miles away. As the teams scramble for flights, members of an alliance known as the "six-pack" both help and hinder each other. Two teams argue over placement in line, but ultimately all teams travel on the same flights to Mauritius. Once there, the teams receive a model of a schooner and match it to a real schooner in the Grand Baie. The teams make a long swim to the schooner and then swim back after receiving a clue. The clue instructs them to drive to the Case Noyale post office. Along the way, teams face both traffic and car problems. They then take part in a Detour --- Salt or Sea, and several teams experience difficulty with their initial choice. Ultimately, one team arrives last at the Pit Stop, but is not eliminated, as this is another non-elimination leg.
10 - 1Real Fast! Quack, Quack! September 17, 2006
10 - 2Can Horses Smell Fear? September 24, 2006
10 - 3Oh Wow, It's like One of Those Things You See on TV! October 01, 2006
10 - 4I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing! October 08, 2006
10 - 5I Covered His Mouth, Oh My Gosh! October 15, 2006
10 - 6
10 - 7I Wonder If This Is Going to Make My Fingers Pickle October 29, 2006
10 - 8He Can't Swim, But He Can Eat Cow Lips! November 05, 2006
10 - 9Being Polite Sucks Sometimes November 12, 2006
10 - 10Lookin' Like A Blue-Haired Lady On A Sunday Drive November 19, 2006
10 - 11We Just Won't Die, Like Roaches November 26, 2006
10 - 12Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now! December 03, 2006
10 - 13Say Your Deepest Prayers Ever December 10, 2006