Opening the show, Phil says that we're starting on a ""tiny island in the Everglades."" We see the teams in speedboats and Phil introduces. Here's who we have for this edition of The Amazing Race: Heather & Eve - Roommates and recent graduates of Harvard Law School Michael & Kathy - Recently dating, never been together for more than five days Dennis & Andrew - Dad's a strict southern Baptist who doesn't approve of his son's lifestyle: he's gay Flo & Zach - Friends who met in college Derek & Drew - Identical twins & models Gina & Sylvia - The ""soccer moms"" Tramel & Talicia - Brother & sister Aaron & Arianne - Best friends who ""think outside the box"" Teri & Ian - Married parents together for 22 years Andre & Damon - Police officer and fireman Ken & Gerard - Brothers John Vito & Jill - Dating, Jill lost her brother in September 11th attacks (had applied with him for first race) After the introduction, Phil explains that there are 13 legs, 9 elimination points. He conti
3 - 1What If Our Parachute Doesn't Open? October 02, 2002
3 - 2This Seems Like The Path Straight to Hell! October 09, 2002
3 - 3You Always Just Forget About Me! October 16, 2002
3 - 4Did You See How I Stopped It? With My Face October 23, 2002
3 - 5What Happens If I Slip? Am I Just Hanging Off a Cliff? October 30, 2002
3 - 6I'm a Much Better Liar Than You Are November 13, 2002
3 - 7I'm Supposed to be Indebted to Her for the Rest of the Race?! November 20, 2002
3 - 8This Is More Important Than Your Pants Falling Down! November 27, 2002
3 - 9Why Did You Have to Take Your Pants Off?! December 04, 2002
3 - 10Don't Try to Play the Moralist Now! December 11, 2002
3 - 11They're Slithering to the Finish Line Like the Rest of Us! December 18, 2002