The teams arrive at the mat in Russia after completing the Nesting Dolls/Trolley Wash Detour and receive a clue instructing them to fly 1,000 miles to Frankfurt, Germany and then travel 100 by train to Stuttgart. Three teams land nighttime flights and take a lead, while others have to wait until morning for their flights. The teams take a ride with a professional driver at the ""Wall of Death"" at a Mercedes-Benz factory. They then drive 200 miles to the marked Ellbach Field in Bad Tolz, where they search for one of eleven Travelocity roaming gnomes buring among 150 feet and hats. As some teams extend their leads, others become hopelessly lost. The teams then travel to Bavaria Films in Grunwald and face a Detour choice of Break It or Slap It. Break It requires them to break bottles over each other's heads at the sound of a cuckoo bird, while Slap It requires them to learn a complicated German dance. Finally, the teams check in at the Pit Stop at Siegestor in Munich and another team is eliminated.
9 - 1Here We Go, Baby, Off to Win a Million Bucks! February 28, 2006
9 - 2I'm Filthy and I Love It! March 07, 2006
9 - 3I'm in Russia Playing with Dolls March 14, 2006
9 - 4It's Not Over Until Phil Sings March 21, 2006
9 - 5Good Thing I Took That Human Anatomy Class in High School March 28, 2006
9 - 6Sleep Deprivation Is Really Starting to Irritate Me April 05, 2006
9 - 7Herculean Effort for Some Herculean Dudes April 12, 2006
9 - 8Here Comes the Bedouin! April 19, 2006
9 - 9Do you Know how much Running I Did today, Phil? April 26, 2006
9 - 10Man, They Should Have Used Their Fake Names May 03, 2006
9 - 11I Think This Monkey Likes Me! May 10, 2006
9 - 12