Harry's Roadhouse (Santa Fe, N.M.) • Dor-Stop Restaurant (Pittsburgh, Pa.) • Surrey's Cafe (New Orleans, La.) Guy Fieri checks out breakfast from east to southwest: In New Orleans, a juice bar makin' bagels from scratch; a New Mexico roadhouse mixin' Philly food with Southwestern favorites; and in Pittsburgh, a family joint scratch-making pancakes with everything from peanut butter to pumpkin.
5 - 1What's for Breakfast October 27, 2008
5 - 2Real Deal Italian November 17, 2008
5 - 3Not What You'd Expect November 24, 2008
5 - 4Places You Sent Me December 01, 2008
5 - 5Long Time Legends January 05, 2009
5 - 6Something from Everywhere January 12, 2009
5 - 7Neighborhood Favorites January 19, 2009
5 - 8Just Like Yesterday January 26, 2009
5 - 9Return to Route 66 February 02, 2009
5 - 10BBQ & More February 09, 2009
5 - 11Regional Classics February 16, 2009
5 - 12All Kinds of Fast Foods March 23, 2009
5 - 13Family Favorites March 16, 2009