Selling Houses Australia (2008) : 5x9
Inner City Terrace
A terrace in a sought after suburb should sell quickly, but not Nick's home. The team have to restore this place back to it's former glory that trendy urban dwellers will fight over.
5 - 1Flood House February 01, 2012
5 - 2Railway Cottage February 08, 2012
5 - 380's Outback February 15, 2012
5 - 4Divorce Sale February 22, 2012
5 - 5Hoarder House February 29, 2012
5 - 6Developer Dreams March 07, 2012
5 - 7DIY Disaster March 14, 2012
5 - 8Inherited Queenslander March 21, 2012
5 - 9Inner City Terrace March 28, 2012
5 - 10Fixer Upper April 04, 2012