Machinery woes cause the Cheals to end their opal dreams and consider splitting ways. The Blacklighters move to a new site while Jaymin and JC work alone in claustrophobic tunnels. Disc S5 E8 7/8/22
7 - 1Disaster Strikes October 10, 2021
7 - 2The Opal Whisperers October 17, 2021
7 - 3Glory Days October 24, 2021
7 - 4Young Gun Returns October 31, 2021
7 - 5Trouble Underground November 07, 2021
7 - 6The Value of Misfits November 14, 2021
7 - 7Scrap Noodler November 21, 2021
7 - 8Walls Closing In November 28, 2021