A grudge match between two stock car drivers creates excitement on the track and lethal behaviour off it. And a young girl seems to know as much about running the casualty department as the staff. There's a bed shortage in the ICU Ward and a wife dies because of it and a gambler who fakes a heart attack, then has a stroke when he finds he had a winning hand. A woman with a brain tumour, shuns her husband. Duffy and Andrew seek professional help to have another baby and Jane Scott finds her first day in administration, tough.
8 - 1Cat in Hell September 18, 1993
8 - 2Riders on the Storm September 25, 1993
8 - 3The Final Word October 02, 1993
8 - 4No Place to Hide October 09, 1993
8 - 5Sunday, Bloody Sunday October 16, 1993
8 - 6Good Friends October 23, 1993
8 - 7Kill or Cure October 30, 1993
8 - 8Born Losers November 06, 1993
8 - 9High Roller November 13, 1993
8 - 10Deceptions November 20, 1993
8 - 11Give Us This Day November 27, 1993
8 - 12Wild Card December 04, 1993
8 - 13The Good Life December 11, 1993
8 - 14Out to Lunch December 18, 1993
8 - 15Comfort and Joy December 26, 1993
8 - 16Family Ties January 01, 1994
8 - 17United We Fall January 08, 1994
8 - 18Tippers January 15, 1994
8 - 19Value for Money January 22, 1994
8 - 20Care in the Community January 29, 1994
8 - 21Signed, Sealed, Delivered February 05, 1994
8 - 22Relations February 12, 1994
8 - 23Grand Rational February 19, 1994
8 - 24Hidden Agendas February 26, 1994