Arino begins his last challenge: Youkai Dochuuki (a.k.a. Shadowland), the PC Engine version of a Namco arcade game starring Tarosuke, a boy trying to make it through a land full of demons.
5 - 1"Umihara Kawase:" How 'bout it? The Kacho Returns (#31) June 07, 2006
5 - 2Best Regards to "Contra" (#32) June 21, 2006
5 - 3Sega's Strongest Brothers: "Bonanza Bros." (#33) July 05, 2006
5 - 4Another Life-Or-Death Struggle: "Ghouls 'n Ghosts" (#34) July 19, 2006
5 - 5Seconds, Please! "Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom" (#35) August 02, 2006
5 - 6Amourousness in Summer: "Yokai Dochuki" (#36) August 30, 2006