Four college students with a passion for cooking take over the Chopped Kitchen to prove who can make the grade. A humble pizza and common protein keep the appetizer basket relatable but present a challenging culinary puzzle. A caffeinated drink is a featured ingredient in the entree round, although the wildly energetic competitors hardly need it. The two remaining competitors must then make ambitious plans for the peanut butter and banana dessert basket.
42 - 1Thanksgiving Pie, Oh My! November 20, 2018
42 - 2Weird, Wacky, and Wild! September 17, 2019
42 - 3Sweet and Salty Success January 07, 2020
42 - 4Chopped U. January 14, 2020
42 - 5B.L.D.: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! January 28, 2020
42 - 6Smokin' Skills February 04, 2020
42 - 7Clambake Stakes February 18, 2020
42 - 8Poke Power June 02, 2020
42 - 9Grills On! Game On! July 09, 2019
42 - 10Hotdog Hotshots July 16, 2019