A week of rain from a springtime Nor'easter hasn't stopped work on the house, nor on the lot. Landscape contractor Roger Cook shows host Kevin O'Connor the progress—the trees are cleared, the access road is in, excavation for the new foundation is complete, and the form work is underway. General contractor Tom Silva discovers extensive rot and termite damage on the Eastern elevation, and what he thinks is a failed footing in the basement. Master carpenter Norm Abram finds that the problem is not the footing, but rather under-structured framing from two previous renovations. Homeowner George Mabry shows Norm the exterior materials he's thinking of using; stucco and stone with accents of wood siding. In nearby Lincoln, Mass., Kevin meets educational director Peter Gittleman to see the Modern house Walter Gropius designed and built for his family in 1938. Gropius' modest house was revolutionary in its impact at the time, and is today a museum and monument to the Modern movement.
27 - 1Cambridge | A Modern Old House October 06, 2005
27 - 2Cambridge | Modernize, Again October 13, 2005
27 - 3Cambridge | Worst-Case Scenario October 20, 2005
27 - 4Cambridge | Longfellow's House October 27, 2005
27 - 5Cambridge | The Cost of Poor Workmanship November 03, 2005
27 - 6Cambridge | High-Tech Heating and Cooling November 10, 2005
27 - 7Cambridge | Water Damage Brings Opportunity November 17, 2005
27 - 8Cambridge | Real Stone, Flat Roof November 24, 2005
27 - 9Cambridge | A Water-Feature Welcome December 01, 2005
27 - 10Cambridge | Creating a Dramatic Entryway December 08, 2005
27 - 11Cambridge | Rain Slows Some Progress December 15, 2005
27 - 12Cambridge | Dramatic Staircase December 22, 2005
27 - 13Cambridge | Interior Finishes Begin December 29, 2005
27 - 14Cambridge | Fine Craftsmanship January 05, 2006
27 - 15Cambridge | Contemporary Design Elements January 12, 2006
27 - 16Cambridge | Modern Conveniences in a Modern Home January 19, 2006
27 - 17Cambridge | Things Are Coming Together January 26, 2006
27 - 18Cambridge | A Red Box Becomes a Show House February 02, 2006
27 - 19Washington, DC | Reviving an Abandoned 1879 Rowhouse February 09, 2006
27 - 20Washington, DC | Setbacks Open Up New Ideas February 16, 2006
27 - 21Washington, DC | Honoring the Past, Looking Toward the Future February 23, 2006
27 - 22Washington, DC | A Rebuilt Structure March 02, 2006
27 - 23Washington, DC | Beautiful Historic Restorations March 09, 2006
27 - 24Washington, DC | The Outside is Shaping Up, Too March 16, 2006
27 - 25Washington, DC | Surface Finishes March 23, 2006
27 - 26Washington, DC | A Home Saved March 30, 2006