The residents fear the rest of the Street will fall down. The Barlows seek refuge for Peter and Susan in the Rovers as everyone moves out of their homes. The police rope the house off and Mr. Wormold arrives. Annie worries when Lucille doesn't return after a night out with friends. The menfolk start to shift the rubble in case Lucille is under it. She arrives home safe. The Surveyor detects no subsidence. The collapse was caused by a faulty beam over the bay window. Len is given the contract to secure the house. Ted decides to go back to the home and leaves. Lucille cries over No.7. Wormold feels it isn't worth the £300 repairs and tells Len to pull it down.
6 - 14 Jan 1965 January 04, 1965
6 - 26 Jan 1965 January 06, 1965
6 - 311 Jan 1965 January 11, 1965
6 - 413 Jan 1965 January 13, 1965
6 - 518 Jan 1965 January 18, 1965
6 - 620 Jan 1965 January 20, 1965
6 - 725 Jan 1965 January 25, 1965
6 - 827 Jan 1965 January 27, 1965
6 - 275 Apr 1965 April 05, 1965
6 - 5230 Jun 1965 June 30, 1965
6 - 6930 Aug 1965 August 30, 1965
6 - 701 Sep 1965 September 01, 1965
6 - 9010 Nov 1965 November 10, 1965
6 - 9217 Nov 1965 November 17, 1965
6 - 988 Dec 1965 December 08, 1965
6 - 10429 Dec 1965 December 29, 1965