The race continues in Malawi, Africa, where teams face a double U-Turn and must decide whether to force competitors to complete both sides of a challenge.
19 - 1Kindness of Strangers September 25, 2011
19 - 2The Sprint of Our Life October 02, 2011
19 - 3Don't Lay Down On Me Now October 09, 2011
19 - 4This Is Gonna Be a Fine Mess October 16, 2011
19 - 5I Feel Like I'm In the Circus October 23, 2011
19 - 6We Love Your Country Already - It Is Very Spacious October 30, 2011
19 - 7Move Goat November 06, 2011
19 - 8Super Shady November 13, 2011
19 - 9It's Speedo Time November 20, 2011
19 - 10Release the Brake! November 27, 2011
19 - 11We Are Charlie Chaplin December 04, 2011
19 - 12Go Out and Get It Done December 11, 2011