The Amazing Race (2001) : 4x6
I Could Never Have Been Prepared for What I'm Looking at Right Now
42 Min.
The teams travel to India, where they are shocked by condition of some of the locals and also face a harowing train ride.
4 - 1Cheaters Never Win --- And They Cheated! May 29, 2003
4 - 2
4 - 3
4 - 4
4 - 5You Are Just Deliberately Trying to Make Us Lose! June 26, 2003
4 - 6
4 - 7
4 - 8
4 - 9
4 - 10
4 - 11
4 - 12He's a Few Ticks Away from Having a Heart Attack! August 14, 2003
4 - 13It's Like Adam Building His First House! August 21, 2003