Miserable after his argument with Alison, Alex started the day strangely detached from life at Grange Hill. His unusual behaviour went largely unnoticed, and the Wannabe's continued to taunt him. The horror of Tanya's ordeal came flooding back, when she received an email from a girl who claimed to have been in the same situation. Annie had to face up to reality when she received a credit card bill which revealed how much debt she's in. However, Annie thought she'd found a way to pay back some of the money, but things didn't go to plan, and her guilt was compounded by her dad telling her how proud he is of her. Togger was dreading the impending football match; convinced Grange Hill were about to get embarrassingly thrashed with their depleted squad. Togger and Abel were at loggerheads, with Togger unable to control his jealousy and frustration. Baz returned to Grange Hill to face Mrs Bassinger following his exclusion for the abseiling stunt. Plus, there was tension in the air between Ba
28 - 1Year 7 Intro. January 10, 2005
28 - 2Meet the Wannabes January 12, 2005
28 - 3Underground Tuck Shop Scam January 17, 2005
28 - 4Your New Math Teacher, Mr. Fox January 19, 2005
28 - 5Football Trials January 24, 2005
28 - 6The Hill Radio January 26, 2005
28 - 7Abel's In ! January 31, 2005
28 - 8Tanya's Radio Station February 02, 2005
28 - 9Year 7 Swimming Lesson February 07, 2005
28 - 10Tanya's Kidnapped February 09, 2005
28 - 11Tanya Returns to Grange Hill February 14, 2005
28 - 12Alex is Struggling February 16, 2005
28 - 13Series 28, Episode 13 February 21, 2005
28 - 14Outdoor Trip (1) February 25, 2005
28 - 15Outdoor Trip (2) February 28, 2005
28 - 16Alex's Tries to Take His Life March 02, 2005
28 - 17Alex Returns to Grange Hill March 14, 2005
28 - 18Lucy argees to Meet Tanya March 16, 2005
28 - 19Premiere of the Film March 21, 2005
28 - 20Series 28, Episode 20 March 23, 2005