Ryan will sit down with the judges one on one to learn what they think about this season, and then Diana, Fantasia and Jasmine will sing one song each!
3 - 1First Show, First Recap January 19, 2004
3 - 2The Journey Continues! January 20, 2004
3 - 3Night Three! January 21, 2004
3 - 4Finally! A Show About California! January 27, 2004
3 - 5Mokolokilikilanilaki! It's Hawai'i! January 28, 2004
3 - 6The Road is to Hollywood! (Is Paved with Broken Dreams. And Asphalt.) February 02, 2004
3 - 7You're Going to Hollywood! (For a Little Bit, At Least.) February 03, 2004
3 - 887 - People Not Good Enough = 32 Finalists! February 04, 2004
3 - 9Sing! February 10, 2004
3 - 10Two Will Be Happy. Six Will Be Sad. Lots Will Be Watching. February 11, 2004
3 - 11Sing Again! February 17, 2004
3 - 12The Final Decision...But The Right One? February 18, 2004
3 - 13I'm Back, Baby! February 24, 2004
3 - 14You! Over here! With the rest of the finalists! February 25, 2004
3 - 15Uncut, Uncensored and Untalented March 01, 2004
3 - 16Group Four! Then the Wild Card! March 02, 2004
3 - 17Finally! Finalists! March 03, 2004
3 - 18Wild Card Round (1) March 09, 2004
3 - 19Wild Card Round (2) March 10, 2004
3 - 2012 Finalists Have Been Chosen March 16, 2004
3 - 21Clay Aiken Returns March 17, 2004
3 - 221 Down 11 To Go March 23, 2004
3 - 23Soon There Will Be 10 March 24, 2004
3 - 2410 Contestants sing March 30, 2004
3 - 2510 - 1 = 9 March 31, 2004
3 - 26Elton John theme April 06, 2004
3 - 27Tamyra Gray returns April 07, 2004
3 - 288 left to compete April 14, 2004
3 - 29Down to 7 (Battle of the Jo(h)n's) April 15, 2004
3 - 307 sing!! April 20, 2004
3 - 316 remain - Barry Manilow visits April 21, 2004
3 - 326 perform April 27, 2004
3 - 336-1=5 is the result April 28, 2004
3 - 34American Idol: The Final Five 2004 May 03, 2004
3 - 355 Idols sing May 04, 2004
3 - 36Only 4 remain May 05, 2004
3 - 374 Idols perform May 11, 2004
3 - 38Only 3 Idols remain May 12, 2004
3 - 39The Final 3 2004 May 17, 2004
3 - 403 sing May 18, 2004
3 - 41Now Down To 2 May 19, 2004
3 - 42American Idol: The Phenomenon May 23, 2004
3 - 43Fantasia Barrino vs. Diana DeGarmo May 25, 2004
3 - 44And The Winner Is..... May 26, 2004
3 - 45Kelly, Ruben & Fantasia: Home for Christmas November 24, 2004