(Tampa, FL - 3:41 AM Burglary in Progress) District 2 - MPO Robert Newberry decided to get into law enforcement when he was five. He was working at a racetrack that his dad was part owner of and one day his dad saved him from a wild race car making all this noise and he took off running and he grabbed him and he always looked up to him for that. Two black men were seen trying to steal tires off a car in a dealership on the main road. They find one hiding under a red car as the K9 looks for the second one. They all run down the road and catch him in a parking lot. The guy screams, wails and cried to god he didn't do it and only ran because he was scared. He said he needed the money or else they would kill him, but he doesn't know them and was just holding the tools. Ft. Worth, TX (4:07 PM Suspicious Activity) Officer J.R. Mendoza talks about how he is still going to college. He sees a car sitting alone under a bridge alone in a known drug area. He goes above it on the overpass and looks down and sees a woman in a blue pickup truck using a needle. He and Maldanado go down and bust her and her husband Barnet of three years is the driver. She says her shoulder is injured, she is scared and hasn't ever been cuffed before. They find crack and he is getting arrested and she cries, pleads and says it is hers. San Bernardino - Two men drive a stolen car to a liquor store. The fat guy wants a discount on half a pint of Vodka because it is his birthday. He says he knows the owner Charlie, but he isn't there. The cashier won't do it and he gets belligerent. The cops talk to him and find out he is on parole and now he can go back to jail for Christmas. #1430. 4/6/02
14 - 1COPS - Palm Beach, Florida April 06, 2002
14 - 2COPS - Palm Beach, Florida March 23, 2002
14 - 3COPS - Coast To Coast November 10, 2001
14 - 4COPS - Coast To Coast September 15, 2001
14 - 5COPS - Coast To Coast September 22, 2001
14 - 6COPS - Coast To Coast October 06, 2001
14 - 7COPS - Coast To Coast February 02, 2002
14 - 8COPS - Coast To Coast January 12, 2002
14 - 9COPS - Coast To Coast March 09, 2002
14 - 10COPS - Coast to Coast 1 September 08, 2001
14 - 11Coast to Coast 2 December 15, 2001
14 - 12Coast to Coast 3 September 15, 2001
14 - 13Coast to Coast 4 January 05, 2002
14 - 14Coast to Coast 5 September 29, 2001
14 - 15Coast to Coast 6 April 13, 2002
14 - 16Coast to Coast 7 November 17, 2001
14 - 17Coast to Coast 8 November 24, 2001
14 - 18Coast to Coast 9 December 01, 2001
14 - 19Coast to Coast 10 January 19, 2002
14 - 20Coast to Coast 11 September 01, 2001
14 - 21Coast to Coast 12 September 01, 2001
14 - 22Coast to Coast 13 January 26, 2002
14 - 23Coast to Coast 14 February 09, 2002
14 - 24Coast to Coast 15 February 16, 2002
14 - 25Coast to Coast 16 February 23, 2002
14 - 26Coast to Coast 17 March 02, 2002
14 - 27Coast to Coast 18 February 23, 2002
14 - 28Coast to Coast 19 April 20, 2002
14 - 29Coast to Coast 20 March 16, 2002
14 - 30Coast to Coast 21 April 06, 2002
14 - 31Coast to Coast 22 April 27, 2002
14 - 32Coast to Coast 23 April 27, 2002
14 - 33Coast to Coast 24 September 21, 2002
14 - 34Naked Cops 1 Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 35Too Hot for Fox Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 36Extreme Cops September 14, 2002
14 - 1409COPS - Atlanta, GA January 01, 1970
14 - 1423COPS - Coast To Coast January 01, 1970