The Palmers' vacation plans are ruined when Doug frightens Major so much that he refuses to be babysat by the Heffernans. In the meantime, Arthur begins hiring out himself and friends from the senior center to ride with solo drivers so they can use car-pool lanes.
9 - 1Mama Cast December 06, 2006
9 - 2Affair Trade December 06, 2006
9 - 3Moxie Moron December 13, 2006
9 - 4Major Disturbance December 13, 2006
9 - 5Ruff Goin' December 20, 2006
9 - 6Brace Yourself January 03, 2007
9 - 7Home Cheapo April 09, 2007
9 - 8Offensive Fowl April 16, 2007
9 - 9Mild Bunch April 23, 2007
9 - 10Manhattan Project April 30, 2007
9 - 11Single Spaced May 07, 2007
9 - 12China Syndrome (1) May 14, 2007
9 - 13China Syndrome (2) May 14, 2007