Alistair Appleton comes to the aid of Paul and Nicki Jukes who want to move from Windsor to the Cotswolds before their new baby is born. While the couple have a reasonable budget, their opinions differ over the properties presented to them
5 - 1Buckinghamshire May 14, 2007
5 - 2Northamptonshire May 15, 2007
5 - 3Dorset May 16, 2007
5 - 4North Devon May 17, 2007
5 - 5Lincolnshire May 18, 2007
5 - 6Devon May 21, 2007
5 - 7Shropshire May 22, 2007
5 - 8North Cornwall May 23, 2007
5 - 9Cotswolds May 28, 2007
5 - 10East Sussex May 29, 2007
5 - 11Hampshire/Surrey Borders May 30, 2007
5 - 12The Lincolnshire Fens May 31, 2007
5 - 13Hampshire June 04, 2007
5 - 14Staffordshire June 05, 2007
5 - 15Carmartenshire June 06, 2007
5 - 16Gloucestershire June 07, 2007
5 - 17Suffolk June 08, 2007
5 - 18The Lincolnshire Fens June 18, 2007
5 - 19Surrey to South Devon July 09, 2007
5 - 20Peak District July 10, 2007
5 - 21Oxfordshire July 11, 2007
5 - 22North Yorkshire July 16, 2007
5 - 23Somerset July 17, 2007
5 - 24Westbury-on-Tryn to Wiltshire July 18, 2007
5 - 25Sussex Borders July 23, 2007
5 - 26Mid Devon August 22, 2007