With the summer house finally back to its free-spirited, hard partying ways, Amanda begins to show her frustration with Kyle’s continued boozy behavior and decides to let him have a weekend to himself. Lindsay gets in touch with her ex, Everett after failing to forget about him. Meanwhile, Lauren and Carl appear to have moved past the fiasco from the 4th and are back to being friends (with benefits) but Danielle continues to be an unwelcome third party in their relationship.
2 - 1Passing The Torch January 22, 2018
2 - 2Stars and Gripes January 29, 2018
2 - 3Bonfire Insanity February 05, 2018
2 - 4Don't Poke the Bear February 12, 2018
2 - 5Smashelorette February 19, 2018
2 - 6Mother Knows Best February 26, 2018
2 - 7The Exes Are Coming March 05, 2018
2 - 8Say It With Flowers March 12, 2018
2 - 9Summer Should Be Fun! March 19, 2018
2 - 10A House Divided March 26, 2018
2 - 11Lei It To Rest April 02, 2018
2 - 12Reunion April 03, 2018