This report airs May 17, Wednesday, 9 p.m.: This month, millions of people have been watching our investigations into computer sex predators — among them, some of the suspected predators themselves. And what's most surprising is that even knowing that they may be walking into a sting is not enough to keep some of them away. Tonight, we're back in Florida, where we started our investigation last week. We want to remind you that some of what you'll see and read is explicit.
14 - 9To Catch a Predator III February 03, 2006
14 - 10For Better or Worse, or Poison? Also: Who Killed Imette? March 04, 2006
14 - 11Murder 5 Doors Down March 11, 2006
14 - 12Sharon Stone & Stone Phillips March 19, 2006
14 - 13Special Delivery: the Hitman Brings Roses March 25, 2006
14 - 14Michael Shiavo: About Terri March 26, 2006
14 - 15The Mystery of the Jesus Papers; also, Sole Survivor April 02, 2006
14 - 16"The Mystery of the Jesus Papers" (continues) April 09, 2006
14 - 17
14 - 18Outbreak! April 23, 2006
14 - 19To Catch a Predator 4 April 26, 2006
14 - 20A Tale of Two Sisters (a.k.a. Twin Revenge - Twin Sisters) April 29, 2006
14 - 21Angelina Jolie; How Safe is Your Salad? April 30, 2006
14 - 23Murder at Sam Donaldson's Ranch May 06, 2006
14 - 24Cruise Control: Scientology to Katie May 07, 2006
14 - 25To Catch a Predator (continuing feature) May 10, 2006
14 - 26May 13, 2006 Missing ! May 13, 2006
14 - 27To Catch a Predator (Series Finale) May 17, 2006
14 - 28Impassioned and Inspired May 21, 2006
14 - 29To Catch a Predator (Follow-up) May 24, 2006
14 - 30Secrets to Breaking the Code May 26, 2006
14 - 31Mary Kay Letourneau and Vili Fualaau June 02, 2006
14 - 32Murder Mystery June 03, 2006
14 - 33Prescription or Poison? June 04, 2006
14 - 34Two Hour Special June 11, 2006
14 - 35Their Father the 'Father' June 12, 2006
14 - 36Britney Spears Interview Special June 15, 2006
14 - 37Britney Spears Interview Revisited June 16, 2006
14 - 41To Catch a Predator: New Updates June 18, 2006
14 - 42Honeymoons Gone Bad June 19, 2006
14 - 43The Paris Hilton Police Tapes June 23, 2006
14 - 44Web of Deceit July 09, 2006
14 - 45Audrey's Story September 01, 2006
14 - 1501To Catch A Predator - Fortson, GA (Part 1) September 13, 2006
14 - 1502To Catch A Predator - Fortson, GA (Part 2) September 22, 2006
14 - 1556To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 1 January 01, 1970
14 - 1557To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 2 January 01, 1970
14 - 1558To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 3 January 01, 1970
14 - 1559To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 4 January 01, 1970
14 - 1560To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 5 January 01, 1970
14 - 1561To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 6 January 01, 1970
14 - 1562To Catch A Predator The Raw Tapes Part 7 January 01, 1970