The queens are tested on their multi-media prowess as they show off their talents as newscaster, product spokesperson, and talk show host to RuPaul and guest judge Debra Wilson of MADtv.
1 - 1Drag on a Dime February 02, 2009
1 - 2Girl Group Challenge February 09, 2009
1 - 3Queens of All Media February 16, 2009
1 - 4MAC/Viva Glam Challenge February 23, 2009
1 - 5Drag School of Charm March 02, 2009
1 - 6Absolut Drag Ball March 09, 2009
1 - 7Extra Special Edition March 16, 2009
1 - 8Grand Finale March 23, 2009
1 - 9Reunited! March 23, 2009