Arino tackles one of the scariest games of them all, Ghouls 'N Ghosts! At least it's not all doom and gloom as Arino continues his visit to the TRY Amusement Arcade. After encountering one of the more brutal game over screens Arino manages to recover to play a boat load of classic games but he still pines to get a chance at Xevious. Arino then speaks to one of the most revered game creators of all time, Sega's Yu Suzuki. They speak about a number of his cherished creations and even have a bout in Championship Boxing.
2 - 1Atlantis no Nazo (The Mystery of Atlantis) October 20, 2004
2 - 2Challenger November 03, 2004
2 - 3Makaimura (Ghosts 'n Goblins) November 17, 2004
2 - 4Konami Wai Wai World December 01, 2004
2 - 5Metroid December 15, 2004
2 - 6Solomon no Kagi (Solomon's Key) January 19, 2005
2 - 7Prince of Persia (Part 1) February 02, 2005
2 - 8Prince of Persia (Part 2) February 16, 2005
2 - 9Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo (Mega Man 2) March 02, 2005
2 - 10Super Mario Bros. 3 March 16, 2005