What secrets are hidden in the many castle rooms of Solomon's Key? Arino takes control of the titular wizard and discovers the many wonders to be had in this difficult puzzle game. Arino travels to Matsudo to visit an arcade with a name fit for a boss, Mechman. Arino barely makes it inside before he finds himself fending off ninjas and flying into the Danger Zone. Arino then meets the creator of the much beloved game centric manga series, Game Center Arashi. Creator Sugaya Mitsuru discloses his favorite game and presents Arino with a gift to top off what is an informative and entertaining interview.
2 - 1Atlantis no Nazo (The Mystery of Atlantis) October 20, 2004
2 - 2Challenger November 03, 2004
2 - 3Makaimura (Ghosts 'n Goblins) November 17, 2004
2 - 4Konami Wai Wai World December 01, 2004
2 - 5Metroid December 15, 2004
2 - 6Solomon no Kagi (Solomon's Key) January 19, 2005
2 - 7Prince of Persia (Part 1) February 02, 2005
2 - 8Prince of Persia (Part 2) February 16, 2005
2 - 9Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo (Mega Man 2) March 02, 2005
2 - 10Super Mario Bros. 3 March 16, 2005