With pluck aplenty, four chefs charge into the competition. But will spaghetti in a can spell trouble for them in the first round? In the entree course, everybody raids the pantry for potatoes that they think will complement the tile fish from the basket. A very tough final basket, which includes cocktail franks, has the two final chefs puzzled. Can they come up with creative, delicious desserts?
12 - 1Sunny Side Apps June 05, 2012
12 - 2A Guts Reaction June 12, 2012
12 - 3Chocolate Challenge June 19, 2012
12 - 4Pride of New Orleans June 26, 2012
12 - 5All-American Competition July 03, 2012
12 - 6Orzo It Seemed July 17, 2012
12 - 7Belly Dance! July 31, 2012
12 - 8Cake Walk! August 07, 2012
12 - 9Oui, Oui, Confit August 14, 2012
12 - 10Drawing a Flank August 21, 2012
12 - 11A Bunny Thing Happened September 11, 2012
12 - 12Charge! October 09, 2012
12 - 13For Sake's Sake November 20, 2012