There's a flavor clash happening in the Chopped kitchen as the first basket challenges the chefs to come up with a yummy solution to a perplexing culinary puzzle that includes a dill pickle-flavored treat. A Midwestern casserole and some stunningly presented pork make for a grand entree basket, and as the clock winds down in the final round, a chef's injury puts their Gjetost cheese dessert in jeopardy.
38 - 1Plum Luck May 15, 2018
38 - 2Hot Off the Grill! May 22, 2018
38 - 3Bowled Over June 12, 2018
38 - 4Doughnut Dash June 19, 2018
38 - 5Room for Shrooms July 10, 2018
38 - 6Beach Bites July 24, 2018
38 - 7Bar Fight January 01, 2019
38 - 8Nourish and Flourish January 08, 2019
38 - 9Deadly Catch January 15, 2019
38 - 10Wonton Wonder February 12, 2019
38 - 11Meat Your Match March 05, 2019
38 - 12Gefilte Dish March 12, 2019
38 - 13Dill Dilemma May 28, 2019