The teams continue their journey in Africa, proceeding to a water tower in the Sanyuko Village. Some teams have trouble finding the water tower, initially heading to another, but once there, all take part in a Detour. The choice is Carry It or Milk It, which involves either carrying baskets filled with food and water using only your heads, or milking goats until you've filled a ten-ounce cup. Most teams choose to milk the goats, but one team gives a skilled performance on the basket-carrying and is able to finish quickly. The teams continue onward to a Roadblock, one suffering some major problems with their vehicles along the way. The Roadblock, which involves driving through crocodile-infested waters and then removing logs, also proves confusing for some teams. In the end, one team is unable to recover from an initial mistake and is eliminated, despite an amusing plea to stay in the race.
7 - 1Courteous? This Is a Race! March 01, 2005
7 - 2The Whole Country Hates Me March 08, 2005
7 - 3Do You Need Some Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation March 15, 2005
7 - 4What a Gaucho You Are March 22, 2005
7 - 5I've Been Wanting a Face-Lift for a Long Time March 29, 2005
7 - 6Houston, We Have An Elephant April 05, 2005
7 - 7They Saved the Eyeball April 06, 2005
7 - 8Mow'em Down Like Grass April 12, 2005
7 - 9We Have A Bad Elephant! April 19, 2005
7 - 10We Got a Gnome! We Got a Gnome! April 26, 2005
7 - 11The Devil Made Me Do It May 03, 2005
7 - 12