The teams travel from their Pit Stop at the Khwai River Lodge to Lucknow, India. The teams then take a series of flights, some prescheduled and some that they have to schedule themselves to make their way to Lucknow, India. Some teams stick with the pack and secure a later flight, while two less-liked teams manage to make their way onto a slightly earlier flight. Once in Lucknow, the teams all choose not to Yield each other and then do a Roadblock that involves searching heavy steel boxes for one of ten clues. Some teams get lucky and find them quickly, while one has a real time of it, but makes it out okay in the end. The teams face a Detour with a choice of Solid or Liquid. All teams pass on Solid, which involves smashing coal and instead choose Liquid, which requires them to make tea deliveries to five people at a local business. As one team lags behind, they receive a standing ovation when they reach the Detour clue. A surprise waits for the teams as they make their way to a locati
7 - 1Courteous? This Is a Race! March 01, 2005
7 - 2The Whole Country Hates Me March 08, 2005
7 - 3Do You Need Some Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation March 15, 2005
7 - 4What a Gaucho You Are March 22, 2005
7 - 5I've Been Wanting a Face-Lift for a Long Time March 29, 2005
7 - 6Houston, We Have An Elephant April 05, 2005
7 - 7They Saved the Eyeball April 06, 2005
7 - 8Mow'em Down Like Grass April 12, 2005
7 - 9We Have A Bad Elephant! April 19, 2005
7 - 10We Got a Gnome! We Got a Gnome! April 26, 2005
7 - 11The Devil Made Me Do It May 03, 2005
7 - 12