The teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Tempio di Segesta and receive a clue instructing them to drive 135 miles to Catania, Sicily and find the Antiteatro, Romano. This theater doesn't open until 8:30 A.M. and B.J. and Tyler jokingly put up an ""official"" sign-in sheet which is quickly declared a phoney by Eric and Jeremy. As it stands, these two teams are the only ones to make it in at the opening time, as the others find themselves stuck in traffic or confused on directions. After counting heads on the fence surrounding the grounds of the theater, the teams do a Detour --- Big Fish, requiring each member to carry a 17 kilo swordfish 1/3 of a mile, or Little Fish, requiring them to travel 1/3 of a mile to the same market and then sell 4 kilos of small Sicilian fish. The teams then travel approximately 40 miles to Siracusa, where one member of each team does a Roadblock requiring them to score a goal in kayak polo. Finally, they make their way on foot to the PIt Stop, the natural spring Funte Aretusa, and another team is eliminated.
9 - 1Here We Go, Baby, Off to Win a Million Bucks! February 28, 2006
9 - 2I'm Filthy and I Love It! March 07, 2006
9 - 3I'm in Russia Playing with Dolls March 14, 2006
9 - 4It's Not Over Until Phil Sings March 21, 2006
9 - 5Good Thing I Took That Human Anatomy Class in High School March 28, 2006
9 - 6Sleep Deprivation Is Really Starting to Irritate Me April 05, 2006
9 - 7Herculean Effort for Some Herculean Dudes April 12, 2006
9 - 8Here Comes the Bedouin! April 19, 2006
9 - 9Do you Know how much Running I Did today, Phil? April 26, 2006
9 - 10Man, They Should Have Used Their Fake Names May 03, 2006
9 - 11I Think This Monkey Likes Me! May 10, 2006
9 - 12