This trip, Guy's slammin' on the breaks for some enticing eats. In Chicago, the authentic Cuban joint platin' up family recipes like the fricase de pollo. In Memphis, a neighborhood gastropub serving eclectic dishes like duck fried rice and homemade popcorn. And in Annapolis, Md., the sidewalk shack worth stopping for, with dishes like chipotle habanero barbecue pork sandwiches.
15 - 1Unconventional Comforts August 06, 2012
15 - 2Goin' the Extra Mile August 13, 2012
15 - 3Savory Standouts August 20, 2012
15 - 4Surf 'N' Turf Jackpot August 27, 2012
15 - 5Massachusetts Madness September 03, 2012
15 - 6East Coast Comfort September 24, 2012
15 - 7Flavortown Medley October 01, 2012
15 - 8Burgers, Noodles and Quahogs October 08, 2012
15 - 9Handcrafted October 15, 2012
15 - 10All Family, All the Time October 22, 2012
15 - 11Food Done Right October 29, 2012
15 - 12Pubs and Grub November 05, 2012
15 - 13Turn On Traditional November 12, 2012