Today the team restores a plate bearing a photo of a beloved mother, a clockwork tractor, a vibraphone and a compass that saw action in two World Wars. Steve Morgan from Brighton brings in the vibraphone for Pete to look at. Next up are Sandy and Steven Richards from Cornwall who brought their plate for Kirsten to fix. Then Nicola Cleevmo and her niece Emily bring in a model of a Ferguson tractor, a "Fergie". David Burville gets the job of repairing and restoring the tractor which was used to show the Africans how the latest design of plough works. Finally, Stephen Munn brings in a 1917 military compass for Suzie and Barry to fix.
6 - 1Jamaican Pump Organ March 18, 2020
6 - 2World-Travelled Stowaway Bicycle March 25, 2020
6 - 3Shattered Stained-Glass Door Panel April 01, 2020
6 - 4Alabaster Light Shade April 08, 2020
6 - 5Wind-up Bird Cage April 15, 2020
6 - 6Clockwork Tractor November 11, 2020
6 - 7Grandfather's Miners Lamp November 18, 2020
6 - 8Banana Barrow November 25, 2020
6 - 9Shop Mannequin December 02, 2020
6 - 10Decorative Leather Box January 27, 2021
6 - 111960s Guitar February 03, 2021
6 - 12Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Maker February 17, 2021
6 - 13Diamond and Sapphire Engagement Ring February 24, 2021
6 - 14Cast-Iron Garden Gate March 10, 2021