First into the Workshop of Dreams this week is Rita Evans from Pembrokeshire with her grandfather!s miners lamp for Steve to look at. Next through the door is Malcolm Steward from Worcester with the light that hung outside their family Chemists shop for Dom to fix. Then they get a visit from Nicky Dean and her son Tom from West Sussex who have brought along an old phonograph for Tim Weeks to fix and restore. Next into the barn is Eleanor Harman from Sheffield who has an old chair for Sonnaz to work on.
6 - 1Jamaican Pump Organ March 18, 2020
6 - 2World-Travelled Stowaway Bicycle March 25, 2020
6 - 3Shattered Stained-Glass Door Panel April 01, 2020
6 - 4Alabaster Light Shade April 08, 2020
6 - 5Wind-up Bird Cage April 15, 2020
6 - 6Clockwork Tractor November 11, 2020
6 - 7Grandfather's Miners Lamp November 18, 2020
6 - 8Banana Barrow November 25, 2020
6 - 9Shop Mannequin December 02, 2020
6 - 10Decorative Leather Box January 27, 2021
6 - 111960s Guitar February 03, 2021
6 - 12Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Maker February 17, 2021
6 - 13Diamond and Sapphire Engagement Ring February 24, 2021
6 - 14Cast-Iron Garden Gate March 10, 2021