This trip, Guy's hittin' the road with a couple of his A-list friends. In Georgetown, Texas, Guy hooks up with Matthew McConaughey at a massive diner serving up righteous ham and waffles. And in Minneapolis, Guy's trying all sorts of new things at a neighborhood pizza joint that's a favorite of his fellow foodie Andrew Zimmern.
14 - 1Triple D All Stars April 02, 2012
14 - 2Streamlined Sammies April 09, 2012
14 - 3Crankin' Up the Classics April 16, 2012
14 - 4Passin' the Baton April 23, 2012
14 - 5Big Time Flavor April 30, 2012
14 - 6Unexpected Eats May 07, 2012
14 - 7BBQ Road Show May 28, 2012
14 - 8All Vegas, All the Time June 04, 2012
14 - 9Serious Sandwiches June 11, 2012
14 - 10International Eats June 18, 2012
14 - 11Belly Up June 25, 2012
14 - 12Dynamic Dishes July 02, 2012
14 - 13Coast to Coast Chow July 30, 2012