This trip, Guy's got his sight set on food with international influence. In Richardson, Texas, the Lebanese joint going big when it comes to stacking the schwarma. In Las Vegas, the burger spot mixing up meat with an Asian twist. And in New York City, the Druze way of perfecting the pita.
14 - 1Triple D All Stars April 02, 2012
14 - 2Streamlined Sammies April 09, 2012
14 - 3Crankin' Up the Classics April 16, 2012
14 - 4Passin' the Baton April 23, 2012
14 - 5Big Time Flavor April 30, 2012
14 - 6Unexpected Eats May 07, 2012
14 - 7BBQ Road Show May 28, 2012
14 - 8All Vegas, All the Time June 04, 2012
14 - 9Serious Sandwiches June 11, 2012
14 - 10International Eats June 18, 2012
14 - 11Belly Up June 25, 2012
14 - 12Dynamic Dishes July 02, 2012
14 - 13Coast to Coast Chow July 30, 2012